BSc + MSc thesis topics offered
Below we suggest a range of BSc and MSc topics. If you would like to propose your own idea for your thesis and would like the FORM team to help you by supervising your work, please reach out to us directly.
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Bachelor topics

- Trends und Einflussfaktoren des Schweizer Holzmarktes und ihre Bedeutung für forstbetriebliche Entscheidungen (Deutsch)
- Drivers of forest dynamics at the treeline
- Forests in a virtual environment (English) / Wälder in einer virtuellen Umgebung (Deutsch)
- The need for criteria and indicators to qualitatively assess forest development
Master topics

- Enhancing tree species identification using multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks
- Mapping spruce density using aerial imagery and deep learning
- Tree species identification using deep learning
- Economic perspectives on landscape connectivity and collaboration in bark beetle management
- Designing an easy-to-apply Swiss wood valuation framework for scientific applications and decision support systems
- The role of urban trees in mitigating air temperature and pollution in cities
- How does tree growth respond to release events?
- Mechanisms of tree mortality in European species
- Assessing spruce mortality in mixed forests using RGBI aerial imagery and deep learning
- Drivers of forest dynamics at the treeline
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