Drivers of forest dynamics at the treeline (M.Sc./B.Sc Topic)

Background: High temperatures and altered precipitation patterns are expected to lead to shifts in climate zones and thus large-scale shifts in vegetation. As a result, species ranges are expected to shift to higher elevations or higher latitudes as their climatic optimum shifts. Yet trees that cannot cope with these changes risk being affected by climate change-induced stress.
Aim: To better understand the drivers of forest dynamics at the treeline under climate change, we aim to assess the environmental factors for a total of 274 sites across Europe.
Methods: High-resolution climatic and edaphic data from 274 sites across Europe will be used to achieve the main aim. Based on these data, a statistical analysis will be performed in R or related software.
Wanted: Highly motivated student interested in modelling and who is willing to learn about forest dynamics.
You will get to:
- Learn where and why trees grow today and, more importantly, what the fate of trees will be in the future in the face of climate change, and gain important statistical skills for your future work;
- Expand your network by discussing your work with experts from the intersecting fields of forest sciences;
- Be a co-author on a publication resulting from this work;
- Be part of a motivated, fun, and energetic team of scientists.
Supervisor: Dr. M. Beloiu, Prof. Dr. V. Griess
The project has a flexible starting date.
If the idea of participating in cutting-edge interdisciplinary research excites you, please contact mirela.beloiu(at) The FORM team is looking forward to hearing from you!