FORM presenting at 7th International LowCost 3D Workshop

Arnadi Murtiyoso, Cyprien Fol and Michel Scheggia presented two papers and organized a demo session.

The 7th International LowCost 3D workshop was held in Würzburg, Germany from 15 to 16 December 2022. The workshop, organised by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), focuses on the use of novel and low-cost 3D sensor systems and tools for various applications.

FORM members attended this workshop and presented two papers and a demo. Cyprien Fol presented his work on the use of VR systems to label 3D point clouds of forests. This application of the VR system has a potential in facilitating 3D forest studies, especially in regards to the use of machine and deep learning. Cyprien also demonstrated the system during a demo session with the help of another FORM member, Michel Scheggia. Furthermore, Arnadi Murtiyoso also presented his paper on the use of low-cost 360 cameras to map forest environments in 3D which was a collaborative research with the WSL.

About 100 people attended the workshop and enthusiasm was high for the presentations and especially the demo session, which was held concurrently with the welcome party inside the University of Würzburg’s Robotics Hall. As expected from an ISPRS event, many precious feedback and discussions with other researchers and experts in the domain were received and we hope to be able to use them to improve our work.

The two FORM papers can be accessed using the following links:
- external page Feasibility study of using virtual reality for interactive and immersive semantic segmentation of single tree stems (Fol et al.)
- external page Low-cost mapping of forest under-storey vegetation using spherical photogrammetry (Murtiyoso et al.)

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