Dr. Jasper Fuchs

Dr. Jasper Fuchs
Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science
ETH Zürich
Additional information
Research area
- Effects of climate change on forest management decisions
- Tree species selection in forest enterprises under extreme weather events
- Economics of silvicultural treatments
- Bioeconomic simulation and optimization models
- Development of software packages (R)
- Professional Experience
since 07/2024 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Forest Resources Management at the ETH Zurich (Prof. Dr. Verena Griess)
04/2024-06/2024 Scientific Assistant at the Chair of Forest Resources Management at the ETH Zurich (Prof. Dr. Verena Griess)
10/2018-03/2024 Research associate at the Department of Forest Economics and Sustainable Land-use Planning at the University of Göttingen (Prof. Dr. Carola Paul)
- Biodiversa project Potential of functional diversity for increasing the disturbance resiliency of forests and forest-based socio-ecological systems (FunPotential)
- PhD project Economic impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on forestry and mitigation potentials through robust management strategies
09/2012-08/2013 Voluntary Ecological Year at the Ecological Research Station Schlüchtern e.V.
2019-2024 PhD programme Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology at the Department of Forest Economics and Sustainable Land-use Planning at the University of Göttingen (Prof. Dr. Carola Paul)
- PhD thesis: Economic potentials and limitations of tree-species diversification as an adaptation strategy to climate change and extreme weather events
- Gerhard Speidel Award 2024 (PhD thesis)
2016-2018 Master's degree programme Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology at the University of Göttingen
- Study focus Ecosystem analysis and modeling
- Degree: Master of Science
- Thesis: Economics of single-tree harvest. (Prof. Dr. Möhring, Dr. Husmann)
- Project: Marteloscopes - Potentials to analyze the economic effects of forest treatments (Dr. Husmann, Prof. Dr. Nagel)
2013-2016 Bachelor’s degree programme Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology at the University of Göttingen
- Degree: Bachelor of Science
- Thesis: Results of a second inventory regarding the forest condition of beech and oak in September 2015 in Hesse, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Saxony-Anhalt 2015. (Prof. Dr. Eichhorn, Dr. Bartsch)
- COST Action CA22141 - Integrated DSS for delivery of ecosystem services based on EU forest policies (DSS4ES)
Member of working groups 2 and 4 - Funpotential - Potential of functional diversity for increasing the disturbance resiliency of forests and forest-based socio-ecological systems
Researcher (until 03/2024)
Publications and profiles
see list of publications at the bottom of this page
ORCID publication listGoogle scholar
ResearcherID (WoS)
Scopus author profile
X (Twitter)
R packages
woodValuationDE: Wood Valuation Germany
Monetary valuation of wood in German forests (stumpage values), including estimations of harvest quantities, wood revenues, and harvest costs.
stable version (CRAN) | development version (GitHub) | Excel version | README
optimLanduse: Robust Land-Use Optimization
Robust multi-criteria land-allocation optimization that explicitly accounts for the uncertainty of the indicators in the objective function.
stable version (CRAN) | development version (GitHub) | README
Reviews for
- Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung
- European Journal of Forest Research
- Forest Policy and Economics
- Forestry
- Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen
Year | Distinction |
2024 | Gerhard Speidel Award 2024 (PhD thesis) for outstanding scientific achievements in forest economics and social sciences |
2019 | Sayn-Wittgenstein Forestry Award |
2016 | Admission to the German National Academic Foundation |
2015 | Germany Scholarship |
2013 | Germany Scholarship |
Additional information
- Landscape Level Forest Management Planning (M.Sc.) incl. Forest Economics (lecturer, ETH Zürich, 2024)
- Seminar Forest and Landscape (B.Sc.) (expert supervising a topic, ETH Zürich, 2024)
- Optimization methods in forest management planning (M.Sc.) (lecturer, University of Göttingen, 2018-2020)
- Forest ecosystem management (M.Sc.) (supervisor, University of Göttingen, 2018-2020)
- Forest management planning (B.Sc.) (tutor, University of Goettingen, 2016-2018)
- Methods in forest management planning and decision-making (M.Sc.) (tutor, University of Goettingen, 2017-2018)
- Forest Business Administration (B.Sc.) (tutor, University of Goettingen, 2017)
- Modelling population dynamics and biodiversity (M.Sc.) (tutor, University of Goettingen, 2017)
Supervised theses
Bachelor theses
- Influence of planting costs and budget on the maximum yield of a tree species portfolio (co-supervisor, University of Göttingen)
- Economic comparison of different reforestation scenarios after calamities using natural birch regeneration (supervisor, University of Göttingen)
- Mountain ash in Central Europe: State of knowledge on management and economic aspects of the pioneer tree species (supervisor, University of Göttingen)
- Economic evaluation of selected forest conversion scenarios for pine forest in Mittelbrandenb. Talsand- u. Moränenland (supervisor, University of Göttingen)
Master theses
- A model-based economic analysis of forest protection measures for bark beetles in Norway spruce (supervisor, University of Göttingen)
- Diversification by including site factors in the economically optimal tree species selection (supervisor, University of Göttingen)
- Multi-criteria optimisation of tree species selection along a site gradient - an example application in northern Hesse (supervisor, University of Göttingen)
- Changed logging behavior due to different grading of wood and use of digitization techniques in wood measurement (co-supervisor, University of Göttingen)