Open Positions

Open: Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) - Data Preparation for Deep learning models

Project: within the framework of the external page COST ACTION 3dforecotech

Location: ETH Zurich

Duration: up to 3 months

Start: 20th February 2025 or upon agreement.

Eligibility: PhD student, postdoctoral fellow or someone else, employed by an institution, organisation or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research.

The candidate is expected to have up to 3 months of 60-80% time availability for this project and he/she must currently be employed in an institution outside of Switzerland.


  • Experience in using GIS software e.g. ArcGIS Pro or Python and working with shapefile and raster data is required.
  • Knowledge of segmentation approaches is needed.

Grant: up to 4000 EUR to cover travel, accomodation and other costs.

Benefits: a great opportunity to get international working experience!

Deadline for application (new): 30.1.2025

external page Details of the project and contact details for the application on this link.





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