Welcome Jasper Fuchs

We warmly welcome Jasper Fuchs as new scientific assistant to the group.  

Jasper M. Fuchs studied Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology and specialized in Ecosystem Analysis and Modeling. He is currently completing his PhD at the Department of Forest Economics and Sustainable Land-use Planning in Göttingen. The thesis investigates economic potentials and limitations of tree-species diversification as an adaptation strategy to climate change and extreme weather events.
Jasper’s research focuses on economics of forest management decisions from the single-tree to the enterprise level. He develops simulation-optimization models and applies econometric methods to assess economic consequences of forest disturbances, to identify relevant mechanisms for forest enterprises, and to inform decision-making under risk and uncertainty.
As a member of the FORM group, he will extend the approaches to the scale of landscapes and timber markets. A particular focus will be on improving methods to account for unprecedented extreme events.