Congress on photogrammetry & remote sensing

Cyprien Fol and Arnadi Murtiyoso attended the ISPRS Congress in Nice (France), where they presented their work.

The ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) Congress is held every 4 years and is the largest scientific event in the field of photogrammetry, remote sensing and geospatial information. It is a great opportunity to connect with colleagues from neighboring fields and to spread awareness of the FORM group’s research.

On Friday 10th June, Cyprien gave a poster presentation titled: “Evaluation of Azure Kinect Derived Point Clouds to Determine the Presence of Microhabitats on Single Tress Based on the Swiss Standard Parameters”. The objective of this FORM’s project is to mitigate the massive loss of biodiversity in Switzerland. It is done with the help of low-cost 3D scanner that identify microhabitats of rare species. Without those small and natual shelters, those species wouldn't survive.

In addition on 11th June, Arnadi held an oral presentation in the second biggest auditorium. He presented his previous work about the “Automatic Training Data Generation in Deep Learning-aided Semantic Segmentation of Heritage Buildings”. Arnadi is currently working on transposing these skills in deep learning-aided semantic segmentation to 3D model of forests.


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