FORM participating in the Zukunftstag 2021
Giving kids a glimpse of our work with forests
Ariane Hangartner
The FORM group brought 35 kids (aged 10 to 13) to the forest just above the ETH Hönggerberg Campus on 11 November 2021, as part of the "Nationaler Zukunftstag 2021". In a playful way, the kids could identify different tree species, learn about the functions and values of forests (ecological, social and economical). They got to know what professions exist related to forests and which questions in particular people at ETH are tackling.
In a feedback round just before leaving the forest, the kids expressed the fun they had with all the activities and how many new things they learned !
Tree species memory -
The wood cycle -
A young forest... -
... growing into a bigger one. -
Sun compass -
Lucca showing the usage of an increment borer -
Learning to measure the diameter of a tree -
How old was this tree?